Misse{Design} has moved!! Check out http://xomisse.com for more blog tips, tutorials and templates...
Love Misse{Design}?
You may use designs on your own site or blog, feel free to resize designs but please do not modify in any other way, please do not re-sell or claim as your own. I would appreciate credit (in form of a link to this blog or using a button below) if you have used any designs available, as they do take a lot of time and cost money to make. All buttons publishes from October 2012 will have a Misse{Design} Button included which can be used to link back to this site. Thank you for your support xo
Favour please?
If you have used this blog for tutorials, designs or freebies, Could you send me feedback/testimonials about my services (designs, tutorials etc) through twitter dm or email. I need them for college assignment and would really appreciate the help. Thank you - missedesigns@hotmail.com
Grab a button
Simply copy the code in the box and paste it onto your blog (for sidebar use a HTML/Javascript widget). I appreciate every one of you who takes the time to add my button or shares my blog. Create your own blog share button.